

Yuichiro Nagatsu, Associate Professor of GIR, received “2020 Society of Chemical Engineers (SCEJ) Fluid and Particle and Processing Division Frontier Award”

Media & Awards

Associate Professor of GIR, Yuichiro Nagatsu received “2020 Society of Chemical Engineers (SCEJ) Fluid and Particle and Processing Division Frontier Award” on March 20, 2021. The members of Nagatsu Laboratory received this award for two consecutive years.

-Name of the award

2020 SCEJ Fluid and Particle and Processing Division Frontier Award

-Award recipients

Ryuta X. Suzuki (Ph.D., Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2020), Yuichiro Nagatsu (Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), Manoranjan Mishra (Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India), and Takahiko Ban (Associate Professor, Osaka University)

-Outline of the award

Winning paper: “Fingering pattern induced by spinodal decomposition in hydrodynamically stable displacement in a partially miscible system, Physical Review Fluids 4, 104005 (2019)”

Award criteria: This award is given to the author of an outstanding research paper with particularly high pioneering value among the papers published in peer reviewed proceedings in international conferences and those published in academic journals around the world related to the field of fluid and particle and processing division of chemical engineering. The award is given to authors of papers who are members of the SCEJ.


Physical Review Fluids:


News Release:


Nagatsu Laboratory:


Yuichiro Nagatsu (Researcher Information):

