

Akinori Yamanaka, Professor of GIR, won “JSTP Best Paper Award”

Media & Awards

Akinori Yamanaka, Professor of GIR, won “JSTP Best Paper Award” of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity on June 3rd, 2021.

-Name of the award

“JSTP Best Paper Award”

-Outline of the award

Title of the award-winning paper: “Estimation of Texture-dependent Stress-Strain Curve and r-Value of Aluminum Alloy Sheet Using Deep Learning”

Award criteria: This award is given to the authors of outstanding papers or review papers that were published in “Journal of Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity” of Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP). In this paper, Akinori Yamanaka and his team proposed a method for rapidly estimating the strength and deformation of aluminum alloy sheets using deep learning and numerical simulation. Aluminum alloy sheets are materials widely used in our lives as they are effective in reducing the weight of automobiles, etc.


J-STAGE (Abstract of this paper can be found here): https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/matertrans/advpub/0/advpub_P-M2020853/_article/-char/ja
