
Open Positions / Open Call

【Closed】Open Call for New GIR Strategic Research Teams 2024

For TUAT Members

TUAT is promoting research in three key areas: Food, Energy, and Life Science, and is aiming for creating advanced innovative results for themes with a high social demand in the key areas.
For promotion of initiatives for enhanced functionality of the university’s capability, GIR aims to establish a system to conduct cutting-edge research in cooperation with prominent foreign researchers and overseas research institutes. To strengthen the international collaborative research system, we will take applications for new proposals from Strategic Research Teams for international collaborative research based on face-to-face relationships (invitations to TUAT and overseas dispatch).

Please refer to the following for the application process.
◆ 2024 Application Guidelines for Strategic Research Team (members) of GIR, and Q&A

【Research Activity Period】
3 years (until the end of fiscal year 2026)
※the period of support may be shortened depending on deliberations based on research results.

【Research Activity Period】
3 years (until the end of fiscal year 2026)
※the period of support may be shortened depending on deliberations based on research results.

【Number of Adopted Team】
3 Teams

【Submitted Documents】
◆ 2024 GIR Strategic Research Team Proposal Form (specified form)
◆ 2024 GIR Strategic Research Team Research Plan and Researcher’s Record (specified form)

Regarding the foreign researcher’s record, please be sure to include the information if any of the following conditions apply to them.
・If they are participating in a GIR team for the first time (if they have not yet been approved as GIR Foreign Researchers).
・If you have participated in a GIR team but have changed since then (e.g. institution, position, etc.).
Foreign researchers who do not have any of the above conditions can omit the description.

◆ Foreign Researcher Resume/CV (free format)
Please submit a CV separately for the foreign researcher(s) who is(are) mentioned in the aforementioned researcher’s record.

【How to apply and Deadline】
◇Submission Destination
Institute of GIR support Section, Research Support Office    Mail: girjim@cc.tuat.ac.jp
Please make the subject of the mail【2024 Strategic Research Team Open Call for Applicant Name】.

Friday, March 15, 2024, 5:00 p.m.   
*Void after the deadline.
*Please contact us in advance if the foreign researcher’s CV cannot be submitted in time.

◇How to apply
By the above deadline, please submit the 3 electric files mentioned in “Submitted Documents” as an email attachment.
However, if the data capacity is too large and it is difficult to attach and send all documents, please send them separately. If it still cannot be sent, please contact us.

GIR Support Section, Research Support Office.
Uchino, Hisatomi, Kobayashi, Takahara
Extension: 5646  Email: girjim@cc.tuat.ac.jp

