

Assistant Professor of GIR, LI Guodong, and Professor of GIR, NATSU Wataru won “Outstanding Paper Award”

Media & Awards

Assistant Professor of GIR, LI Guodong, and Professor of GIR, NATSU Wataru won “Outstanding Paper Award” from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation on June 15, 2020.

Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
“Outstanding Paper Award”

■Outline of the award
Winning Theme:” Study on quantitative estimation of bubble behavior in micro hole drilling with EDM”

Authors: Guodong Li, Wataru Natsu, Zuyuan Yu

Publication Paper:” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 146, Article 103437, 2019.”

This award is given to the author of the outstanding paper that contributes to the future development and progress of machine tool technology; the research in the paper is to be related to the development, production or use of machine tools, while novelty, originality, and industrial applicability of the research is taken into consideration.

Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
