

Professor of GIR, Hiroyuki Sasahara, won “Outstanding Paper Award” and “Human Resource Development Award” from Machine Tool Engineering Foundation

Media & Awards

Hiroyuki Sasahara, Professor of GIR, won “Outstanding Paper Award” and “Human Resource Development Award” on June 17, 2019.

Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
“Outstanding Paper Award”
“Human Resource Development Award”

■Outline of the award
Winning Paper : 「Method for generating CNC programs based on block-processing time to improve speed and accuracy of machining curved shapes, Precision Engineering, vol 55 (2019) pp. 33-41. 」

The Award is given to the outstanding research paper in the field of machine tool engineering for its novelty, originality and industrial applicability contribute to the development of future machine tool technology.


Machine Tool Engineering Foundation
“Human Resource Development Award”

■Outline of the award
The Award is designed to recognize individuals who has made considerable contribution to foster the ability of research & development, technology creation and manufacturing technique of individuals.

・Winning Achievement: Prof. Sasahara contributes to the field of Machine Tool Engineering and develop many doctoral working adults. He also contributes to foster human resource through his development of educational programs and publication of textbook in the area of manufacturing.
