
KAYO Chihiro




Institute of Agriculture Division of Environment Conservation
Food - Koike Team, Institute of Global Innovation Research

Researcher ID


Professional Career

2009/04-2011/12 : Research Fellow, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
2012/01 - 2016/12 : Assistant Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2017/01 - 2023/02 : Associate Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2023/03 - present : Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Academic Degrees

2009/03 Ph.D. in Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Research Interests

Environmental Systems Engineering, Forest Planning, Wood Resource Utilization


  • Kayo C, Sanjo K, Sato I, Liu M, Prasetyadi GV, Hirahara S Carbon stocks of particle board and fiberboard in Japan (2023) Scientifc Reports 13:9846. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-37132-x
  • Liu M, Huzita T, Murano A, Goh CS, Kayo C. Economic ripple effects analysis of cross-laminated timber manufacturing in Japan. Forests, 2023, 14(3), 492
  • Matsumoto, R., Kayo, C., Kita, S., Nakamura, K., Lauk, C., Funada, R. Estimation of carbon stocks in wood products for private building companies, Scientific Reports. 12: 18112, 2022
  • Sato, I., Aikawa, T., Goh, C.S., Kayo, C., Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions in power generation using palm kernel shell, GCB Bioenergy, 14: 875-892, 2022
  • Kayo, C., Kalt, G., Tsunetsugu, Y., Hashimoto, S., Komata, H., Noda, R., Oka, H. (2021) The default methods in the 2019 Refinement drastically reduce estimates of global carbon sinks of harvested wood products, Carbon Balance and Management, 16:37.
