




Division of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Engineering
Energy - Tominaga Team, Institute of Global Innovation Research

Researcher ID







Professional Career

1997 4 - 2000 3 : JSPS Research Fellow (DC1)
2003 9 - 2004 3 : Overseas Researcher, University of Rome ( Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) )
2000 4 - 2007 3 : Research Associate , Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
2007 4 - 2007 8 : Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2007 9 - 2012 1 : Senior Assistant Porfessor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2012 2 - 2018 4 : Associate Porfessor, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2018 5 - present : Porfessor, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Academic Degrees

2000/03 Ph.D. in Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Research Interests

Ion-Conductive Polymers, Solid Polymer Electrolytes, Lithium-ion Batteries, Carbon Dioxide, Carbonates, Supercritical Fluids, Solid Ionics, Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials, Polymer Blends, Polymer Composites


  • Z. Cui, V. Marangon, J. Hassoun, Y. Tominaga, Polycarbonate-Based Composite Polymer Electrolytes with Al2O3 enhanced by In Situ Polymerized Electrolyte Interlayers for All-Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES (J. Power Sources), 611, 234760 (2024). Gold Open Access
  • Z. Cui, J. Hassoun, Y. Tominaga, Development of Polycarbonate-based Electrolytes with In Situ Polymerized Electrolyte Interlayers for Lithium-Metal Batteries, Journal of Energy Storage (J. Energy Storage), 79, 110175 (2024)
  • N. Shahrir, S. N. Yusop, N. Anuar, H. Mohd Zaki, Y. Tominaga, Influence of Polar Protic Solvents on Urea Morphology: A Combination of Experimental and Molecular Modelling, Crystal Growth & Design (Cryst. Growth Des.), 23 (6), 4240-4254 (2023).
  • Z. Cui, S. Inoue, J. Hassoun, Y. Tominaga, Enhanced Performance of All-Solid-State Li Metal Battery Based on Polyether Electrolytes with LiNO3 Additive, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics (Macromol. Chem. Phys.), 2100396, 2021
  • D. Di Lecce, V. Marangon, H.-G. Jung, Y. Tominaga, S. Greenbaum, J. Hassoun, Glyme-based electrolytes: suitable solutions for next-generation lithium batteries, Green Chemistry (Green Chem.), 24,(3), 1021-1048, 2022
  • K. Kobayashi, H. Kodama, T. Furukawa, G. Pagot, V. Di Noto, Y. Tominaga, Effect of plasticizer on the ion-conductive and dielectric behavior of poly(ethylene carbonate)-based Li electrolytes. Polymer Journal (Polym. J.), DOI: 10.1038/s41428-020-00397-4
  • S. Wei, S. Inoue, D. Di Lecce, Z. Li, Y. Tominaga, L. Pandini, J. Hassoun, Towards a High-Performance Lithium-Metal Battery with Glyme Solution and an Olivine Cathode, ChemElectroChem (ChemElectroChem), DOI: 10.1002/celc.202000272, 2020
  • V. Marangon, Y. Tominaga, J. Hassoun, An alternative composite polymer electrolyte for high performances lithium battery, Journal of Power Sources (J. Power Sources), 449, 227508 (2020)
  • S. Wei, Z. Li, K. Kimura, S. Inoue, Y. Tominaga, L. Pandini, D. Di Lecce, J. Hassoun, Glyme-based electrolytes for lithium metal batteries using insertion electrodes: an electrochemical study. Electrochimica Acta (Electrochim. Acta) 306.85-95
  • Z. Li, J. Mindemark, D. Brandell, Y. Tominaga, A concentrated poly(ethylene carbonate)/poly(trimethylene carbonate) blend electrolyte for all-solid-state Li battery. Polymer Journal (Polym. J.)51.8.753-760 (10.1038/s41428-019-0184-5).
  • N. A. Ramlee, Y. Tominaga, Structural and physicochemical properties of melt-quenched poly(ethylene carbonate)/poly(lactic acid) blends. Polymer Degradation and Stability (Polym. Deg. Stab.), 163, 35-42 (2019).
  • N. A. Ramlee, Y. Tominaga, Mechanical and biodegradable properties in alkaline solution of poly(ethylene carbonate)/poly(lactic acid) blends. Polymer. 166, 44-49 (2019).
  • Ramlee, NA., Tominaga, Y. Preparation and characterization of poly(ethylene carbonate)/poly(lactic acid) blends. Journal of Polymer Research (J. Polym. Res.). 25: 54-62, 2018
