


Associate Professor


◆Division of Sciences for Biological System, Institute of Agriculture
◆Division of International Environmental and Agricultural Science, Institute of Agriculture

Researcher ID


Professional Career

2006/06 : Faculty of Engineering, Gufu University
2009/04 : Graduate School and Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
2012/09 : Associate Professor, Division of Sciences for Biological System, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Academic Degrees

Ph.D. North Carolina State University

Research Interests

Environmental chemistry (especially dynamics of nutrient toxicity in soils)


  • Uchida, S., Hashimoto, Y., Takamoto, A., Noguchi, K., Klysubun, W. and Wang, S.-L. (2022) Phosphate binding to allophane and ferrihydrite with implications for volcanic ash soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal (Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J.) 86, 1571-1581.
  • Zhang, W., Cho, Y., Vithanage M., Shaheen, Rinklebe, J.S.M., Alessi, D.S., Hou, C.H., Hashimoto, Y., Withana, P.A., and Ok, Y.S. 2022. Arsenic removal from water and soils using pristine and modified biochars. Biochar (Biochar), 4(1) 55.
  • Duan, L.C., Wang, Q.H., Li, J.N., Wang, F.H., Yang, H., Guo, B.L. and Hashimoto, Y.. 2022. Zero valent iron or Fe3O4-loaded biochar for remediation of Pb contaminated sandy soil: Sequential extraction, magnetic separation, XAFS and ryegrass growth. Environmental Pollut. 308, 119702
  • Murad, H.A., Ahmad, M., Bundschuh, J., Hashimoto, Y., Zhang, M., Sarkar, B., and Ok, Y.S. 2022. A remediation approach to chromium-contaminated water and soil using engineered biochar derived from peanut shell. Environmental Research 204:112125.
  • Palansooriya, K.N., S. Kim, A.D. Igalavithana, Y. Hashimoto, Y.-E. Choi, R. Mukhopadhyay, B. Sarkar, and Y.S. Ok. 2021. Fe(III) loaded chitosan-biochar composite fibers for the removal of phosphate from water.  Journal of Hazardous Materials 415:125464.
  • Li, J., Y. Zhang, F. Wang, L. Wang, J. Liu, Y. Hashimoto, M. Hosomi. 2021. Arsenic immobilization and removal in contaminated soil using zero-valent iron or magnetic biochar amendment followed by dry magnetic separation. Science of The Total Environment 768:144521.
  • Yamaguchi, N., T. Ohkura, A. Hikono, Y. Hashimoto, A. Suda, T. Yamamoto, K. Ando, M. Kasuya, P. Northrup, S.-L. Wang, D. Hesterberg. 2021. Microscale Heterogeneous Distribution and Speciation of Phosphorus in Soils Amended with Mineral Fertilizer and Cattle Manure Compost. Minerals 11:121.
  • Sonoda, K., Y. Hashimoto, and S.-L. Wang. 2020. Thermally induced changes in solubility and speciation of lead and iron minerals in a contaminated soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 84:1846-1853.
  • Li, J., Yoshi, S., Hashimoto, Y., Wang, L., Wang, F., Riya, S., Terada, A., Hosomi, M. 2000. Reducing geogenic arsenic leaching from excavated sedimentary soil using zero-valent iron amendment followed by dry magnetic separation: A case study. Sci. Total Environ., 724, 138203.
  • Wu, C.-Y., Asano, M., Hashimoto, Y., Rinklebe, J., Shaheen, S.M., Wang, S.-L., Hseu, Z.-Y. 2019. Evaluating vanadium bioavailability to cabbage in rural soils using geochemical and micro-spectroscopic techniques. Environmental Pollution, (Environ. Pollut.) 258. 113699.
  • Chang, H.F., Wang, S.L., Lee, D.C., Hsiao, S.S.Y., Hashimoto, Y., Yeh, K.C. Assessment of indium toxicity to the model plant Arabidopsis. Journal of Hazardous Materials (J. Hazard. Mater.) 387, 121983, 2020
  • Yang, P.-T., Wu, W.-J., Hashimoto, Y., Huang, J.-H., Huang, S.-T., Hseu, Z.-Y., Wang, S.-L. 2019. Evolution of As speciation with depth in a soil profile with a geothermal As origin. Chemosphere.241, DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124956
  • Yang, P.T., Hashimoto, Y., Wu, Y.J., Huang, H.J., Chiang, P.N., Wang, S.L. Effects of long-term paddy rice cultivation on soil arsenic speciation. Journal of Environmental Management (J. Environ. Manage.) 254, 109768, 2020.
  • Palansooriya, K.N., Shaheen, S.M., Chen, S.S., Tsang, D.C.W., Hashimoto, Y., Hou, D., Bolan, N.S., Rinklebe, J., Ok, Y.S. 2020. Soil amendments for immobilization of potentially toxic elements in contaminated soils: A critical review. Environment International, (Environ. Internat.) 134, 105046.
  • Kobayashi, K., Hashimoto, Y., Wang, S.-L. Boron incorporation into precipitated calcium carbonates affected by aqueous pH and boron concentration. Journal of Hazardous Materials (J. Hazard. Mater.) 383, 121183, 2020.
  • Sonoda, K., Hashimoto, Y., Wang, S.-L., Ban, T. Copper and zinc in vineyard and orchard soils at millimeter vertical resolution. Science of The Total Environment (Sci. Total Environ.), 689, 958-962, 2019.
  • Li, J., Hashimoto, Y., Riya, S., Terada, A., Hou, H., Shibagaki, Y., Hosomi, M. Removal and immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils by chlorination and thermal treatment on an industrial-scale. Chemical Engineering Journal (Chem. Eng. J.), 359, 385-392, 2019.
  • Yamamoto, K., Hashimoto, Y., Kang, J., Kobayashi, K. Speciation of Phosphorus Zinc and Copper in Soil and Water-Dispersible Colloid Affected by a Long-Term Application of Swine Manure Compost, Environmental Science and Technology (Environ. Sci. Technol.). 52(22) 13270-13278
  • Li, J., Kosugi, T., Riya, S., Hashimoto, Y., Hou, H., Terada, A., Hosomi, M. Investigations of water-extractability of As in excavated urban soils using sequential leaching tests: Effect of testing parameters. Journal of Environmental Management (J. Environ. Manage.). 217: 297-304, 2018.
