




◆Division of Animal Life Science, Institute of Agriculture
◆ "Research Center of Informatics for Human-Animal Interaction", Global Research Hub, Institute of Global Innovation Research

Researcher ID







Professional Career

2000.4 - 2003.3 : JSPS Research Fellow DC1
2003.4 - 2004.5 : KYOWA HAKKO KOGYO CO.,LTD
2004.6 - 2011.2 : Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
2009.4 - 2011.2 : Visiting Scientist, Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School
2009.4 - 2011.2 : JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow for Research Abroad
2011.3 - 2016.2 : Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2016.3 - 2018.12 : Associate Professor (Tenured), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2018.12 - Present : Professor (Career Challenge), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Academic Degrees

2003 PhD. in Veterinary Science, University of Tokyo

Research Interests

Endocrinology, Reproduction, Cell Biology, Stress, Mastitis


  • Hamabe L, Mandour AS, Shimada K, Uemura A, Yilmaz Z, Nagaoka K, Tanaka R. Role of Two-Dimensional Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography in Early Detection of Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Dogs. Animals. 11(8):2361. 2021.
  • Okamoto Y, Ichinohe N, Woo C, Han SY, Kin HH, Ito S, Nakamura C, Kimura J, Nagaoka K, Yamamoto N. Contrasting gut microbiota in captive Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) by age. Archives of Microbiology, 10.1007/s00203-021-02526-w
  • Sovijit WN, Sovijit WE, Pu S, Usuda K, Inoue R, Watanabe G, Yamaguchi H, Nagaoka K. Ovarian progesterone suppresses depression and anxiety-like behaviors by increasing the Lactobacillus population of gut microbiota in ovariectomized mice. Neuroscience Research (Neurosci Res). pii: S0168-0102(19),76-82. 2021
  • Kusama K, Rashid MB, Kowsar R, Marey MA, Talukder AK, Nagaoka K, Shimada M, Khatib H, Imakawa K, Miyamoto A. Day 7 Embryos Change the Proteomics and Exosomal Micro-RNAs Content of Bovine Uterine Fluid: Involvement of Innate Immune Functions. Front Genet. 12: 676791. 2021
  • Zhang H, Kataoka S, Liu H, Kinukawa M, Uchiyama K, Kambe J, Watanabe G, Jin W, Nagaoka K. L-amino acid oxidase1 in sperm is associated with reproductive performance in male mice and bulls. Biology of Reproduction (Biol Reprod) , 104, 5, 1154-1161, May 2021
  • Sovijit, Watcharee; Sovijit, Watcharin; Ishii, Yuriko; Kambe, Jun; Fujita, Tomoyuki; Watanabe, Gen; Yamaguchi, Hirohito; Nagaoka, Kentaro,  Estrogen promotes increased breast cancer cell proliferation and migration through downregulation of CPEB1 expression.  Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 534, 1, 2021, 871-876
  • Haney Samir, Paul Nyametease, Mohamed Elbadawy, Mohamed Fathi, Ahmed S. Mandour, Faten Radwan, Kentaro Nagaoka, Kazuaki Sasaki, Gen Watanabe, Assessment of correlations and concentrations of salivary and plasma steroids, testicular morphometry, and semen quality in different climatic conditions in goats. Theriogenology 157, 238-244, November 2020
  • Kambe, Jun; Sasaki, Yu; Inoue, Ryo; Tomonaga, Shozo; Kinjo, Teruo; Watanabe, Gen; Jin, Wanzhu; Nagaoka, Kentaro, Analysis of infant microbiota composition and the relationship with breast milk components in the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at the zoo, Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 87,7, 983-989, 2020
  • Shaoxia Pu, Kento Usuda, Kentaro Nagaoka, Andrea Gore, David Crews and Gen Watanabe, The relation between liver damage and reproduction in female Japanese quail (Coturnix Japonica) exposed to high ambient challenge. Poultry Science 99, Issue 9, September 2020, 4586-4597
  • Haney Samir, Mohamed A.I. El Sayed, Kentaro Nagaoka, Kazuaki Sasaki, Amal M. Abo El-Maaty, Aly Karen, Mostafa M. Abou-Ahmed, Gen Watanabe, Passive immunization against inhibin increases testicular blood flow in male goats, Theriogenology 147, 15 April 2020, 85-91
  • Haney Samir, Paul Nyametease, Mohamed Elbadawy, Kentaro Nagaoka, Kazuaki Sasaki, Gen Watanabe, Administration of melatonin improves testicular blood flow, circulating hormones, and semen quality in Shiba goats. Theriogenology 2020, 146. 111-119, DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.01.053
  • Kambe J, Watcharin S, Makioka-Itaya Y, Inoue R, Watanabe G, Yamaguchi H, Nagaoka K. Heat-killed Enterococcus fecalis (EC-12) supplement alters the expression of neurotransmitter receptor genes in the prefrontal cortex and alleviates anxiety-like behavior in mice. Neuroscience Letter. 720:134753. 2020
  • Saab S, Chang SS, Nagaoka K, Hung MC, Yamaguchi H. The potential role of YAP in Axl-mediated resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. American Journal of Cancer Research (Am J Cancer Res). 9: 2719-2729
  • Yin N, Zhang H, Ye R, Dong M, Lin J, Zhou H, Huang Y, Chen L, Jiang X, Nagaoka K, Zhang C, Jin W. Fluvastatin Sodium Ameliorates Obesity through Brown Fat Activation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int J Mol Sci). 20(7). pii: E1622. 2019
