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Division of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Engineering
Life Science - Ogino Team, Institute of Global Innovation Research

Researcher ID







Professional Career

1998.04 - 2006.12 : Research Associate (Assistant Professor), Hiroshima University
2007.01 - 2009.09 : Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2009.10 - 2019 .02 : Associate Professor(Tenured), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2019.03 - Present : Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Academic Degrees

1998/03 Ph.D in Engineering, Hiroshima University

Research Interests

Transport Processes (Mass/Heat/Fluid), Particle/Aerosol Technology, Plants, Food


  • Y. Asanuma, F. Faizal, M.P.Khairunnisa, I. W. Lenggoro, Deagglomeration of spray-dried submicron particles by low-power aqueous sonication, Advanced Powder Technology, 33(4) 103543 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apt.2022.103543
  • S. S. Jaffar, S. Saallah, M. Misson, S. Siddiquee, J. Roslan, S. Saalah, W. Lenggoro, Recent Development and Environmental Applications of Nanocellulose-Based Membranes, Membranes, 12(3), 287 (2022); https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes12030287
  • l, N. S. M. Zaini, I. W. Lenggoro, M. N. Naim, N. Yoshida, H. C. Man, N. F. A. Bakar, S. W. Puasa, Adsorptive Capacity of Spray-Dried pH-treated Bentonite and Kaolin Powders for Ammonium Removal, Advanced Powder Technology (Adv. Powder Tech.), 32.6, 1833-1843
  • M. H. Hussain, N. F. A. Bakar, K.-F. Low, A. N. Mustapa, F. Adam, M. N. Naim, I. W. Lenggoro, Growth-controlled synthesis of polymer-coated colloidal-gold nanoparticles using electrospray-based chemical reduction, Particuology, 57, 72-81 (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2020.12.004
  • M. P. Khairunnisa, F. Faizal, E. Miyazawa, K. Masuda, M. Tsukada, I. W. Lenggoro, Detachment of submicron particles from substrates using suspension-assisted ultrasonic method, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan (J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.) , 54/4, 135-143 (2021) DOI: 10.1252/jcej.16we319
  • P. Nurlilasari, W. Widiyastuti, H. Setyawan, F. Faizal, M. Wada, I. W. Lenggoro, High-throughput production of magnetite nanoparticles prepared by the monopolar arrangement of iron electrodes in water, Chemical Engineering Science (Chem. Eng. Sci.), 201: 112-120 (2019)
  • N. K. Zolkepali, N. F. Abu Bakar, M. N. Naim,N. F. K N. Anuar, . Aripin, M. R. Abu Bakar, I W. Lenggoro, H. Kamiya, Formation of fine and encapsulated mefenamic acid form I particles for dissolution improvement via electrospray method, Particulate Science and Technology (Part. Sci. Tech.), 36: 298-307 (2018)
