Date | 2025.3.7 (16:00 - 17:00) |
Venue | |
Speaker | Dr. Paul Verslues |
Affiliation | Academia Sinica (Taiwan) |
Title | "Plasma Membrane to Proline Metabolism: Cellular Mechanisms of Drought Resistance" <Abstract> The Verslues laboratory focuses on cellular mechanisms of plant acclimation to moderate severity water limitation (drought stress). Here I will highlight two ongoing projects. In one we conducted a forward genetic screen based on a ProDH1pro:Luciferase reporter and identified a mutant in the Non-Phototrophic Hypocotyl 3 (NPH3) domain of NRL5. ProDH1 (Proline Dehydrogenase 1) catalyzes the rate limiting step of mitochondrial proline catabolism and is crucial in balancing proline accumulation as a protective solute versus proline-driven ROS production and cell death. nrl5 mutants were dramatically hypersensitive to moderate water limitation (reduced water potential) but could be recovered by reducing proline catabolism (nrl5prodh1-2). This demonstrated that mis-regulated proline metabolism is a key factor underlying nrl5 drought hypersensitivity. NPH3-domain proteins have important roles in hormone and environmental signaling; however, cellular function of the plant-specific NPH3 domain has remained unknown. We found that NRL5, and other NPH3 domain proteins, are GTPases. Also, NRL5 interacted with RAB and SNARE proteins involved in vesicle trafficking. These NPH3-domain interactions were required for NRL5 trafficking function and polar localization. Further investigation of this new intracellular trafficking role of NPH3-domain proteins, as well as specific function of NRL5 in drought resistance, is ongoing. A second line of work in our laboratory is to determine the mechanisms by which the Clade E Growth-Regulating (EGR) type 2C protein phosphatases, and their downstream target MASP1, control cell division and cell expansion to regulate growth. A combination of proximity labeling and phosphoproteomics has identified a regulatory network surrounding EGR2 at the plasma membrane; as well as MASP1 interactions putatively involved in its phosphorylation-dependent regulation of root meristem size and cell division activity. References: NRL5 and trafficking Upadhyay-Tiwari N, Huang X-J, Lee Y-C, Singh SK, Hsu C-C, Huang S-S, Verslues PE (2024) The Non-Phototrophic Hypocotyl 3 (NPH3)-domain protein NRL5 is a trafficking-associated GTPase essential for drought resistance. Science Advances 10: eado5429 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ado5429 Verslues PE, Upadhyay-Tiwari N (2024) Non-Phototrophic Hypocotyl 3 (NPH3)-domain proteins: traffic directors, hitchhikers, or both? New Phytol. 244: 1723–1731 EGR-MASP1 growth regulation Longkumer T, Chen C-Y, Biancucci M, Bhaskara GB, Verslues PE (2022) Spatial differences in stoichiometry of EGR phosphatase and Microtubule-Associated Stress Protein 1 control root meristem activity during drought stress. Plant Cell 34: 742–758 Bhaskara GB, Wen T-N, Nguyen TT, Verslues PE (2017) Protein Phosphatase 2Cs and Microtubule-Associated Stress Protein 1 control microtubule stability, plant growth, and drought response. Plant Cell 29: 169-191 Verslues PE, Longkumer T (2022) Size and activity of the root meristem: a key for drought resistance and a key model of drought-related signaling. Physiol. Plant. 174: e13622 |
Language | English |
Intended for | Everyone is welcome to join. |
Co-Organized by | Institute of Global Innovation Research "FOOD" Fukuhara Team Excellent Leader Development for Super Smart Society by New Industry Creation and Diversity |
Contact | Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Agriculture Prof. Taishi Umezawa Email: taishi (at) |
Remarks | This seminar will only be held face-to-face. |