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【GIR Open Seminar】Dr. Shohei Yasuda / University of Galway (Irland)

Date 2025.1.28 (16:00 - 17:00)

Laboratory 301, 3rd Fl., Building 14, Koganei Campus, TUAT

Speaker Dr. Shohei Yasuda
Affiliation University of Galway (Irland)
Title "New perspectives of complete ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: Metagenomic insights for resource recovery from wastewater treatment facilities"

Complete ammonia oxidation (comammox) was recently discovered as a direct reaction of ammonia oxidation to nitrate observed in the phylum Nitrospira. Comammox Nitrospira has paved the way for a new paradigm in the nitrogen cycle as it is only a nitrifying guild achieving the direct conversion to nitrate. Due to intensive studies looking into their genomes and physiologies, they possess highly efficient ammonia oxidation with low N2O emissions and diversified metabolic traits as survival strategies. This seminar introduces the unique metabolic functions of comammox Nitrospira in a landfill leachate treatment facility for resource recovery.
Language English
Intended for Everyone is welcome to join.
Co-Organized by Institute of Global Innovation Research "Research Center for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Upcycling"
Excellent Leader Development for Super Smart Society by New Industry Creation and Diversity
Contact Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Engineering
Prof. Akihiko Terada
Email: akte(at)cc.tuat.ac.jp

This seminar will only be held face-to-face.
