

“TUAT members only”【GIR Open Seminar】Dr. Jusef Hassoun / University of Ferrara (Italy)

Date 2025.1.31 (15:00 - 16:30)

Multipurpose room, 3rd Fl. The 140th Year Commemorative Building (Ellipse), Koganei campus, TUAT

Speaker Dr. Jusef Hassoun
Affiliation University of Ferrara (Italy)
Title "Alkali-Ion Batteries and Beyond"

The seminar focuses on the recent advances on the lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries, and sheds light on possible alternatives based on other metals. The choice for a different metal is principally driven by the necessity of cost reduction and environmental impact limitation.
Among these metals, zinc and carbon based materials appear promising candidates for allowing the scaling up of batteries suitable for achieving the challenging targets of the green-new deal.
Language English
Intended for All TUAT members are welcome to join.
Co-Organized by Institute of Global Innovation Research ”ENERGY” Tominaga Team
Excellent Leader Development for Super Smart Society by New Industry Creation and Diversity
Contact Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Engineering
Prof. Yoichi Tominaga
e-mail: ytominag@cc.tuat.ac.jp

This seminar will only be held face-to-face.
