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【GIR Open Seminar】Dr. Richard Ansong Omari / Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (Germany)

Date 2024.9.12 (10:30 - 11:30)

209 Seminar room, 2F., Building 6, Fuchu Campus, TUAT

Speaker Dr. Richard Ansong Omari
Affiliation Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) (Germany)
Title "Closing the legume gap for increased protein security in Europe"

European legume hectarage has grown slowly over the last few decades and is marked by substantial yield variability. Grain legume cultivation in Europe is subjected to a variety of biotic and abiotic stressors, which lead to yield gap. Dr. Omari’s talk will give an overview of legume production in Europe with respect to the status, progress, prospects, as well as challenges connected with incorporating them into the cropping system. The talk will highlight on research studies and findings specific to the agro-climates of Central Europe that aim to diversify cropping systems, increase crop yield and protein security, as well as ecosystem services delivery.
Language English
Intended for Everyone is welcome to join.
Co-Organized by Institute of Global Innovation Research "Research Center for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Upcycling"
Excellent Leader Development for Super Smart Society by New Industry Creation and Diversity
Contact Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Agriculture
Prof. Naoko Ohtsu
Email: nohtsu(at)cc.tuat.ac.jp

This seminar will only be held face-to-face.
