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【GIR Open Seminar】 Dr. Jose Barrero

Date 2019.7.17 (16:00 - Undecided)

Room 22, Main Building for Faculty of Agriculture, Fuchu Campus, TUAT

Title Jose Barrero (CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Canberra, Australia)
"Understanding the impact of heat during grain filling on wheat dormancy"

In this seminar Jose will discuss his new area of research: the effect of heat on dormancy in cereals. Short episodes of extreme high temperatures during mid grain filling can eliminate dormancy, and also reduce grain size and alter composition. This problem is expected to increase its frequency under the climate change scenarios with forecasted increasing temperatures in many wheat growing areas of the world. Because of that, a comprehensive genetic analysis of the resistance to extreme temperatures is needed. To fill this gap and provide the necessary information for isolating wheat cultivars with heat-resistant dormancy we have embarked in analysing a diverse panel of wheat commercial lines and landraces. In this seminar we will explain our efforts to identify genotypes with “temperature-sensitive dormancy” or with “temperature-insensitive dormancy”, which will hopefully allow for the introgression of new genes or alleles into breeding programs to provide protection against heat-related dormancy loss.
Language English
Intended for Everyone is welcome to attend.
Co-Organized by Institute of Global Innovation “Food” Umezawa Team
Excellent Leader Development for Super Smart Society by New Industry Creation and Diversity
Contact Institute of Global Innovation Research, Institute of Agriculture,
Prof. Taishi Umezawa
Email: taishi (at) cc.tuat.ac.jp
